Marbella joins the campaign ‘Movement Green Flags’

Marbella joins the campaign 'Movement Green Flags', which will recognize the Andalusian municipalities most committed to recycling glass Marbella today hosted the presentation of the campaign 'Movement Green Flags',

Marbella joins the campaign ‘Movement Green Flags’


‘Movement Green Flags’, an initiative that will run throughout the months of July and August and will recognize the two Andalusian municipalities most committed to recycling glass. The event was attended by Councillor for Cleaning, Diego Lopez, the president of the Commonwealth of Municipalities of the Western Costa del Sol, Margarita del Cid, and the manager of Ecovidrio, Jesus Gutierrez.


Lopez stressed “the strong commitment to recycling glass by the City Council, the Commonwealth and Ecovidrio” and stressed the importance of a campaign “that promotes awareness and facilitates the means for citizens to recycle during the summer season. He has specified that Marbella “follows a path of growth” in terms of glass recycling and has detailed that in 2018 there was an increase of 4% and collected 1 million kilos. In addition, he recalled that it is the first city in Spain with more glass containers per inhabitant, with an average of one per 132 inhabitants, and has a total of 1,066 units installed. The mayor has said that over the next ten days will be placed about 100 new containers in urbanizations of Marbella and San Pedro Alcantara with the collaboration of Ecovidrio.


Gutiérrez has specified that a total of 41 municipalities and 4300 bars and beach bars throughout Andalusia have joined the campaign and explained that “we will work side by side with all the municipalities to strengthen the summer operation of selective collection of glass containers and facilitate the collaboration of citizens and especially the hoteliers. To this end, training and information visits will be made to establishments, 1,660 special recycling bins will be delivered, 248 containers will be installed, allusive vinyl will be placed in 351 containers for summer purposes and collection frequencies will be increased. It has detailed that the criteria that will be taken into account to deliver the green flag to the two winning municipalities will be the tons of packaging collected, the number of participating hoteliers per municipality or the collaboration of the council in communication and mobilization campaigns.


Del Cid, for its part, has said that “we will work throughout the summer with hoteliers, citizens and municipalities of Marbella, Casares, Estepona, Fuengirola, Manilva, Mijas and Torremolinos” and has indicated that these municipalities will visit 757 establishments. He stressed that “the incidence of tourism and increased consumption make the summer months a key stage for the selective collection of glass containers, as it is when a third of all waste recovered annually is recycled. In addition, hotel establishments are responsible for 52% of the glass container waste generated, so they are a key sector. He has specified that the Commonwealth collected in 2018 a total of 12 million kilos of glass waste and has detailed that, in the area of commonwealth municipalities, the average is 26.41 kilos per inhabitant and kilo, a figure that doubles the Andalusian average and exceeds in 8 kilos the national.

Source: Marbella City Council
